Transcranial magnetic stimulation

tallison at hamp.hampshire.edu tallison at hamp.hampshire.edu
Tue Oct 12 14:53:47 EST 1993

	I would like to hear from anyone who has information concerning
 magnetic brain stimulation with transcranial coils.  I am currently applying
to graduate schools and would like to get a sense of who is using this 
technology and what its possibilities are.  I am mostly interested in
applications outside the motor cortex, and am especially intrigued by the
possibility of specific activation of epileptic foci.  I haven't read all the
literature on the topic, as it's mostly in journals not readily available to
me; does anyone know if this is feasable?  Might it be in the future?
	Any help that you could offer, or even pointers about where I should
look, would be greatly appreciated.

-Tavis Allison    tallison at hamp.hampshire.edu  	

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