I have been requested by the Olfactory Research Fund to
post this. Please do not respond to my e-mail address.
The Olfactory Research Fund is inviting grant proposals for
research in human olfaction that seeks to integrate the study
of olfaction with current issues in developmental, social and
cognitive psychology, and related disciplines. At present, the
Fund is particularly interested in studies that explore the
effects of fragrance on stress, aging, interpersonal
relationships, and the use of fragrance to enhance activities
(i.e., to improve performance, increase alertness, enhance
relaxation) at home, in the work-place, and other indoor
public spaces. Applicants must possess a doctoral degree.
Deadline for submission of proposals is January 1, 1994. For
further details and application procedures, write to the
Olfactory Research Fund, 145 East 32nd Street, New York,
NY 10016-6002.
Charles J. Wysocki, Ph.D. wysocki at udcemail.udc.upenn.edu (INTERNET)
Monell Chemical Senses Center 3500 Market Street Philadelphia, PA