Fluorescent Nucleotide Analogs

ottcr at esvx17.es.dupont.com ottcr at esvx17.es.dupont.com
Tue Oct 5 16:35:37 EST 1993

Is anyone interested in trying some new fluorescent 
nucleotide analogs for fluorescence in situ hybridization, 
point mutation analysis or genome mapping?  

DuPont NEN Research Products now has a wide varietry
 of labeled ribo- deoxyribo- and dideoxyribonucleotides 
labeled with fluorescein, eosin, coumarin, Texas Red, 
Tetramethylrhodamine and lissamine, including hard-to-find
 analogs to guanosine and deoxyguanosine.  

If you are interested, call Maurice Kashdan at : 
                                             DuPont NEN Products 
                                             Boston MA    (617)-350-9642 

Or reply to Charly Ott on INTERNET:
                                              ottcr at esvax.dnet.dupont.com

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