Organization: Temple University
X-Newsreader: NNR/VM S_1.3.2
The SYNAPSE--Electronic Edition (Vol 2, #1) Fall 1993
The E-mail newsletter of the Philadelphia Area Chapter,
Society for Neuroscience.
<<Chapter Develops First National Electronic E-Mail
The Philadelphia Chapter has been the first local chapter of
the Society for Neuroscience to develop the use of e-mail for its
newsletter. The project began last fall in an effort to reduce the
mailing costs of the newsletter. Using INTERNET, Bitnet,
CompuServe and other available networks, the chapter's news
has begun to be disseminated to members and all other
interested individuals on an experimental basis. As our database
of e-mail addresses increases, we will expand the format and
perhaps delete regular postal service to members who have e-
mail addresses, except in circumstances where the postal service
is needed. If you have an e-mail address and would like to be
included in our electronic mailings, please fill out the
information on the membership information form and mail it to
the secretary at the address below...EVEN IF YOU CAN'T
postage, send the information to the secretary's e-mail address
and you will be added to our list.
Tim Shickley, Sec'y
Dept. of Anatomy and Cell Biology
Temple University School of Medicine
Philadelphia, PA 19041
E-Mail: shickley at
<<Chapter Elects New Officers and Councilors at Annual
At the annual meeting, held in the Spring at Thomas Jefferson
University, a slate of new officers, councilors and continuing
councilors were chosen in an election overseen by outgoing
President Pat McAllister who has since moved to the Cleveland
Clinic Foundation. The results of the elections were:
Tom Ferraro, Psychiatry, TJU
Vice President:
Helen Pearson, Anatomy/Cell Bio. Temple
Len Eisenman, Anatomy, TJU
Tim Shickley, Anatomy/Cell Bio. Temple
Mary Barbe, Physical Therapy, Temple
Elna Yadin, Psychology, Bryn Mawr College
David Carrozza, Pharmacology, UPenn
Michael Saporito, Cephalon, Inc.
Councillors (1992-94):
Peter Brodfuehrer, Biology, Bryn Mawr
Don McEachron, Image Processing, DU
Kathleen Siwicki, Biology, Swarthmore
Past President:
Pat McAllister, Neurosurgery,
Cleveland Clinic Foundation.
We look forward to an exciting year!
<<Free for Students!>>
Graduate students in the Neurosciences can join the
Philadelphia Area Chapter free of charge. All we need from
you is a completed information form (see end of newsletter). If
your department has a FAX number give us that in the
information, as well as any e-mail address you may have,
including MCI-Mail, CompuServe, INTERNET, etc. We hope
to have ACTIVE student participation, as this is a way in which
students can network with students and faculty at other area
institutions. Who knows, you may even find another roomate for
the meetings in Washington! Please come to the chapter
functions, for we need help consuming the refreshments! Also,
be sure to save your poster from this year's meeting in
Washington, as you can present it at our chapter meeting's
scientific sessions. Look for announcements in upcoming issues
of the SYNAPSE. If you know other students who are not on
our mailing list, make copies of the information form and
distribute it to them as we are trying to expand participation in
our chapter functions.
<<Have You Paid Your Dues For This Year?>>
Faculty membership dues in the Philadelphia Area Chapter of
the Society for Neuroscience are only $10 per year ( post-docs
and residents, $5) and help defray the cost of publication and
postage on the newletter, help pay honoraria for guest speakers,
pay for A/V services and refreshments for our meetings. Your
dues help, as we have no other sources of revenue. If you
haven't done so, please send your check to the treasurer:
Len Eisenman
Dept. of Anatomy
Thomas Jefferson University
1020 Locust St.
Philadelphia, PA 19107
(215) 955-7848
Thanks in advance.
If you have newsworthy items for the newsletter, FAX them
to the secretary, Tim Shickley, at (215) 221-2966. These could
be upcoming seminars by speakers for which you would like to
have additional publicity. All items will be included in our
electronic edition as well, so the audience could be much more
expanded than if you publicize only on campus. We want your
<<Participants Needed for This Year's Past President's
While we have not yet set the date for this year's Past-
Presisent's Symposium, we are looking for members who would
like to help. Last year we held a demostration-rich program for
high school teachers and students entitled "Neuroscience for the
High School Curriculum". This year we are repeating the
program and are begining to contact high school science
teachers to determine the best time for this program. As
Pennsylvania moves to an outcome-based curriculum, many
teachers are looking for ways to enrich their curricula. We are
trying to aid them by demonstrating how neurosciences can be
integrated into the high school curriculum. If you know of a
high school science teacher, or would be willing to contact one
for the local chapter, please contact one of the officers and we'll
give you up-to-date information. We are also in need of
demonstrations for this year's program. To give you an idea of
what we did last year, here is a list of the participant's and their
<John Way (Temple): Demonstration of Brain Dissection.
<Len Eisenman (Jeff): Behavior Demo of Genetic Brain Damage in Mouse
Cerebellar Mutants.
<Earl Thomas (Bryn Mawr): Neurobiology of Human Emotion: Demo of
<Helen Pearson & Pat McAllister (Temple):Morphology of Neurons.
<Tom Ferraro (Jeff): Human Brain Pathologies.
<Rick Kriebel (PCOM): Normal Brain MRI's
<Kathy Siwicki (Swarthmore): Demo of Insect Brains.
We also had a talk on the use of animals in research by Mike
Sidelsky (Wistar) President of the Del. Valley Branch, American
Association for Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Science,
and video presentations and teaching materials from Norman
Wilkinson, executive Director of the Pennsylvania Society for
Biomedical Research. So, if you are interested in doing a demo
at the symposium this year, let one of the officers or councillors
know. We also need member volunteer guides/facilitators to
lead small groups of teachers and students through the exhibits.
Come join us and enjoy an afternoon of service to your
educational community and stimulate some potential future
graduate students in the neurosciences.
Timothy J. Shickley, Ph.D. Director, Neurourology
Departments of Urology and Anatomy/Cell Biology
Temple University School of Medicine
3400 North Broad St.
Philadelphia, PA 19140
(VOICE/DATA) 215-221-8966; (VOICE)215-221-4567; (FAX)215-221-4565
INTERNET: shickley at BITNET: shickley at templevm.bitnet
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