
Hyun June Bahk hjb41542 at uxa.cso.uiuc.edu
Fri Oct 22 17:05:13 EST 1993

	First I'm sorry for posting this question here.  It sounds like it
belongs in talk.bizarre or something.  But I would like to get an opinion
of professionals who knows what they're talking about rather than "yes, I
heard about it from so and so..."
	Although with great diffilculty, transplanting of organs has been
practiced for some time now.  It seems that tissues, bones, and organs can
be grafted or tranplanted with assembly-line precision in near future(?)
But what about the brain?  I've seen some movies about such topic but I don't
know if it's possible or what.  An intersting question that arose from such
movies is who is the recipient of brain transplant?  Is he/she the donor with
recipient's body or the recipient with donor's brain?  Answer to this question
can generate lot of new questions like...Is immortality possible through 
complete body transplant?...Can mind and body problem finally be solved?


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