Is there a blood-enteric system barrier?

Cathy ULIBARRI at wsuvm1.csc.wsu.edu
Thu Oct 7 19:55:43 EST 1993

I'm posting this for a collaborator of mine.  He is interested in the role of
glutamate in enteric functioning, but has been having some trouble finding out
some basics.
He writes "Olney et al looked for evidence of neuronal degeneration in neurons
of the CNS and retina after injections of exogenous L-glutamate.  They found
that formation of a blood-brain-barrier in slightly older animals afforded
protection against excitotoxicity.  They did not report enteric (gastro-
intestinal) effects.  Is this because there is always a blood-enetric barrier?
I am looking for references/information about whether a blood-eneteric barrier
It seems like there must be one because nobody reports GI symptoms in "Chinese
Restaurant Syndrome"
Does anybody know?  Thanks in advance!  Please e-mail responses to
ulibarri at wsuvm1.csc.wsu.edu.  Thanks again!!! CU

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