Well I have never written to this newsgroup before so I can claim no
familiarity with it whatsoever, and will in whole rely on the kindness of
those who read this request.
I am co-writing a novel with a friend on a futuristic society where due to
the shear magnitude of storage in the human brain, these brains are being
used for computer storage devices (readable writeable RAM so to speak).
What I am interested is in any of those people who read this and have some
plausible ideas (possible or not as long as there is some possibilty) as to
a computer could be networked to a brain, could you please write them and
post them to me, or refer me to some text or source.
Any help would be really appreciated, and will definitely be mentioned in
our acknowledgements. Thanks in advance for any help. Please post to the
address below
mark_jf at postoffice.utas.edu.au
(Mark Fennell Engineer at University of Tasmania)