I compiled this bibliography of reading material related to
research into hypnosis and hypothesized 'unusual states of mind'
in general from various perspectives. It was intended for the
last chapter of the alt.hypnosis research FAQ, but it seemed
to me it might be of interest on its own. It is not annotated.
For what it's worth ... comments or additions welcome.
A Selected Bibliography
* = particularly highly recommended.
Index of bibliography sections :
A. Selected Periodicals (14 entries)
B. Edited Overviews of General Theories of Hypnosis
(5 entries)
C. Specific Topics Related to Research into Hypnosis.
1. General single-author overviews, non-special-state
views, social and experimental views
(10 entries)
2. On state-specific theories, dissociation, and
multiple personality (22 entries)
3. The Communications Perspective : Milton Erickson,
Neurolinguistic Programming, etc.. (6 entries)
4. Hypnosis, volition, mind control, abuse of
hypnosis. Also legal aspects and psychology
of coercion (17 entries)
5. The Human Mind in Science (Consciousness,
Intentionality, the "Unconscious Mind" from
diverse perspectives in science and philosophy
of science) (23 entries).
6. Belief, Faith, and Knowledge. Interpreting
Reality Under Extraordinary Circumstances;
Social and Cultural Factors in Perception
and Cognition (various viewpoints, ranging
from biological and physiological to social
and cultural) (26 entries).
7. Psychosomatics, "Mind-Body" effects, Biofeedback,
Misc. Physiological Effects in "Altered States."
(19 entries)
8. Hypnosis and Pain Control (8 entries)
9. The Role of Imagination and Fantasy in
Hypnosis and Altered States (11 entries)
10. The Reliability of Hypnotic Recall (8 entries)
A. A brief list of technical journals which frequently publish hypnosis
research or have published articles of great historical importance :
1. Journal of Abnormal Psychology
2. International Journal of Experimental and Clinical Hypnosis
3. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
4. Psychological Review
5. Psychological Bulletin
6. Behavioral and Brain Sciences
7. American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis
8. American Psychologist
9. Science
10. Psychosomatic Medicine
11. Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases
12. Journal of Behavioral Medicine
13. Archives of General Psychiatry
14. Psychiatry
B. Edited collections of diverse viewpoints.
*1. Lynn, Stephen, and Judith Rhue (eds.),1991,"Theories of Hypnosis :
Current Models and Perspectives," N.Y.:Guilford Press.
2. Fromm, E. and R.E. Shor (eds.), 1979, "Hypnosis : Developments
in Research and New Perspectives," Chicago:Aldine.
3. Tinterow, M.M. (ed.), 1855 (1970), "Foundations of Hypnosis,"
Springfield, Il.: Charles Thomas.
4. Lecron, L.M. (ed.), 1954, "Experimental Hypnosis," Macmillan.
5. Naish, P.L.N. (ed.), 1986, "What is hypnosis ? Current Theories
and Research," Philadelphia: Open University Press.
C. General overviews by single authors and important or useful articles
addressing specific major issues related to hypnosis.
1. General single-author overviews, non-special-state views, social and
experimental views.
*a. Bowers, K.S., "Hypnosis for the Seriously Curious"
b. Barber, Theodore X., Spanos, Nicholas P., and Chaves,
John F. (1974) Hypnosis, Imagination, and Human
Potentialities. Pergamon.
c. Spanos, N.P. and J.F. Chaves (eds.), 1989,
"Hypnosis: The Cognitive-Behavioral Perspective,"
N.Y., Prometheus Press.
*d. Barber, T.X., 1969, "Hypnosis: A Scientific Approach,"
N.Y.: Van Nostrand Reinhold.
e. Spanos, N.P., 1986, "Hypnotic Behavior : A Social-
-Psychological interpretation of amnesia, analgesia,
and 'trance logic,'" _Behavioral and Brain Sciences_,
f. Wagstaff, G.F., 1981, "Hypnosis, Compliance, and Belief,"
N.Y.:St. Martins Press.
g. Hull, Clark L., 1933, "Hypnosis and Suggestibility:
An Experimental Approach," Appleton-Century-Crofts.
h. Sarbin, Theodore and William Coe, 1972, "Hypnosis,"
i. Weitzenhoffer, Andre, 1953, "Hypnotism : An Objective
Study in Suggestibility," N.Y.: Wiley.
j. Bowers, K.S., and Thomas M. Davidson, 1991,
"A Neodissociative Critique of Spanos' Social
Psychological Model of Hypnosis," in Lynn and Rhue,
_Theories of Hypnosis_, 1991, N.Y.: Guilford Press,
pp. 105-143.
2. On state-specific theories, dissociation, and multiple personality.
*a. Hilgard, Ernest R., 1977, "Divided Consciousness: Multiple
Controls in Human Thought and Action," John Wiley &
b. Spanos, Nicholas P. (1986) "Hypnosis, Nonvolitional
Responding and Multiple Personality: A Social
Psychological Analysis," in Brendan A. Maher and
Winifred B. Maher (editors), Progress in
Experimental Personality Research, vol. 14, pp. 1-62.
Academic Press. (Critical of dissociation theory).
c. White, R.W., 1941, "A Preface to a Theory of Hypnotism,"
_The Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology_.
d. White, R.W., and B.J. Shevach, 1942, "Hypnosis and the
Concept of Dissociation," _Journal of Abnormal and
Social Psychology_, 37:309-328.
e. Hilgard, E.R., 1991, "A Neodissociation Interpretation
of Hypnosis," in Lynn and Rhue (eds.), _Theories
of Hypnosis_, N.Y.:Guilford Press, pp. 83-104.
f. Fischer, Roland, "State-Bound Knowledge," Aug. 1976,
_Psychology Today_, 10, pp. 68-72.
g. Prince, Morton, 1957, "The Dissociation of a Personality,"
N.Y.:Meridian Books.
h. Thigpen, Corbett and Hervey Cleckley, 1957,
"The Three Faces of Eve," N.Y.: McGraw Hill.
i. Putnam, F., 1984, "The Psychophysiological Investigation
of Multiple Personality Disorder,"
_Psychiatric Clinics or North America_, 7:31-39.
j. Goleman, D., 1988, "Probing the Enigma of Multiple
Personality," _N.Y. Times_, June 28, pp. C1,C13.
k. Braun, B., 1983, "Psychophysiologic Phenomena in Multiple
Personality and Hypnosis," _American Journal of
Clinical Hypnosis_, 26:124-135.
l. Coons, P.M. et al., 1982, "EEG Studies of two
multiple personalities and a control,"
_Archives of General Psychiatry_, July, 39:823.
*m. Bliss, E., 1984, "Spontaneous Self-Hypnosis in Multiple
Personality Disorder," _Psychiatric Clinics of
North America_, 7:137.
n. Humphrey, N. and D.C. Dennett, 1989,
"Speaking for Ourselves: An Assessment of Multiple
Personality Disorder," _Raritan_, 9: pp. 68-98.
o. O'Regan, B. and T. Hurley, 1985, "Multiple Personality :
Mirrors of a New Model of Mind ?,"
_INvestigations_, Institute of Noetic Sciences.
p. Ross, C.A. (1989) Multiple Personality Disorder: Diagnosis,
Clinical Features, and Treatment. John Wiley and Sons
q. Putnam, F.W.(1989) Diagnosis & Treatment of Multiple
Personality Disorder. Guilford Press.
r. Kluft, R.P & Fine, C.G. (eds) (1993) Clinical Perspectives
on Multiple Personality Disorder. American
Psychiatric Press.
s. Lowenstein, R.J. (guest editor) The Psychiatric Clinics of
North America, Special volume on multiple personality
disorder, September, 1991 (Volume 14, No.3).
W.B. Saunders Company.
t. An exhaustive bibliography on multiple
personality disorder was at one time available from
George Greaves, Ph.D., 529 Pharr Rd., Atlanta, GA
*u. Beahrs, J.O,, (1982) "Unity and Multiplicity: Multilevel
Consciousness of Self in Hypnosis, Psychiatric
Disorder and Mental Health." New York:
v. Braude, Stephen, (1991), "First Person Plural:
Multiple Personality and the Philosophy of Mind."
London: Routledge.
3. The Communications Perspective : Milton Erickson, Neurolinguistic
Programming, etc..
*a. Rossi, E. (ed.), 1980, "The Collected Papers of
Milton H. Erickson on hypnosis", (4 vols),
N.Y.: Irvington.
b. Zeig, Jeffrey and Peter Rennick, 1991, "Ericksonian
Hypnotherapy : A Communications Approach to
Hypnosis," in Lynn and Rhue (eds),
_Theories_of_Hypnosis, N.Y.:Guilford Press.
c. Havens, R.A. (ed.), 1992, "The Wisdom of Milton H.
Erickson", (2 vols), N.Y., Irvington
d. Bandler, RIchard and John Grinder, (Judith Delozier),
1975/1977 (2 vols), "Patterns of the hypnotic
techniques of Milton H. Erickson, M.D."
Cupertino, Ca.: Meta Publications
e. Grinder, John and Richard Bandler (ed. Connirae
Andreas), 1981, "Trance-Formations: Neurolinguistic
Programming and the Structure of Hypnosis,"
Utah:Real People Press.
f. Moine, Donald and Kenneth Lloyd, 1990,
"Unlimited Selling Power : How to
Master Hypnotic Selling Skills," N.J.:Prentice Hall.
4. Hypnosis, volition, mind control, abuse of hypnosis. Also
legal aspects and psychology of coercion.
a. Barber, Theodore X. (1961) "Antisocial and Criminal Ac