Summary of contributed paper to Frontier Science in EEG Symposium
A PostScript summary of a presentation, Multiple Scales of EEG, to be
made at Frontier Science in EEG Symposium: Proceedings, New Orleans,
9 Oct 1993, is available via anonymous ftp, as
The announcement and registration forms for this meeting are in the
file eeg_announce_proc93.Z. The Introduction describes this meeting:
Electroencephalography (EEG) is the study of the electrical
activity of the brain. The field of EEG includes the technology
to record these electrical signals, the science to analyze them
and the expertise to apply them to patient care. This symposium
will explore the scientific frontiers related to EEG, presenting
the latest research and thought with this year's topic being
continuous waveform analysis. As advances in science and
technology often involve collaboration among scientists from
different fields, we are bringing together a diverse group of
investigators, many from areas not conventionally associated with
EEG, to actively encourage multidisciplinary research in EEG and
foster new ideas.
A set of plates from which this talk will be developed is the file; this file is only 558K, but due to the inclusion of
scanned figures, it will expand to over 8M when uncompressing.
A paper giving more technical background is
Also in this directory is the latest Adaptive Simulated Annealing
(ASA) code, version 1.37.
The INDEX file gives a bibliographic reference for the files in
this directory.
Instructions for retrieval:
[Name:] anonymous
[Password:] your_email_address
cd pub/ingber
get file_of_interest
If you do not have ftp access, get information on the FTPmail service
by: mail ftpmail at, and send only the word "help" in
the body of the message.
If any of the above are not convenient, and if your mailer can handle
large files (please test this first), the code or papers you require
can be sent as uuencoded compressed files via electronic mail.
If you have gzip, resulting in smaller files, please state this.
Sorry, but I cannot assume the task of mailing out hardcopies of code
or papers.
|| Prof. Lester Ingber ||
|| Lester Ingber Research ||
|| P.O. Box 857 EMail: ingber at ||
|| McLean, VA 22101 Archive: ||