Hemifacial Spasm

William Calvin wcalvin at stein.u.washington.edu
Sun Jul 25 22:41:57 EST 1993

bclaus at uci.edu (Ben Laus) writes:

>I've been diagnosed with "hemifacial spasm".  From what I understand it is 
>caused by bloodvessel hitting my facial nerves.  Could someone give me a 
>list of the cure/treatment (with explanations) of this ailment?

Moving the ectatic blood vessel is the best known treatment (ditto for
trigeminal neuralgia, glossopharngeal neuralgia, and some types of
tinnitus and vertigo).

See the popular book by Mark Shelton WORKING IN A VERY SMALL PLACE (about
1987) or, if you can't find it, try my book THE THROWING MADONNA, the
essay on tic douloureux.  Search Medline for Peter Jannetta's review
articles on the subject.
    William H. Calvin   WCalvin at U.Washington.edu
    University of Washington  NJ-15
    Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences
    Seattle, Washington 98195 FAX:1-206-720-1989

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