CHANDLER,DAN W chemath at aardvark.ucs.uoknor.edu
Thu Jul 22 09:45:00 EST 1993

In article <9307210900.AA01439 at net.bio.net>, kristoff at NET.BIO.NET (David Kristofferson) writes...

>--------------- please cut here and return portion below ---------------
>New information or Update to old record (enter N or U): 
>date (DD-MM-YY): 22-07-93 
>first name:      Dan
>middle initial:  W
>family name:     Chandler
>job title:       Chemistry-Mathematics Librarian
>e-mail address:  chemath at aardvark.ucs.uoknor.edu
>e-mail network:  Internet
>phone number:    (405)325 2118
>FAX number:      (405)325 7618
>institution:     University of Oklahoma
>address1:        Chemistry-Mathematics Library
>address2:        Physical Sciences Center
>address3:        Rm. 207
>city:            Norman 
>state/province:  OK
>country:         USA
>postal code:     73019
>research interest: Neurosciences
>research interest: 

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