Psychophysical data - thermal sensitivity - help wanted

N.H. Kelly NKelly at massey.ac.nz
Wed Jul 21 20:48:12 EST 1993

I am looking for psychophysical information on thermal sensitivity of people
in the range 77 to 131 degrees (F) or 25 to 55 degrees (C).

Apparently this is within the range Weber's Law can be successfully
applied but I have not been able to find any numbers on it.

Info I am after includes that amount/rate of change that can occur before
it is detectable given the medium in question.

For example are people more sensitive to a change of temperature in water than
they are to a change in air temp.

Also consideration may be if the air/water/whatever is flowing...

The data I would ideally like to get involves the sensitivity to change in
temp in flowing water/air.

If people could please e-mail me with any data or leads I will be incredibly

Nigel Kelly
E-mail:	N.H.Kelly at massey.ac.nz

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