I've come across at least two articles mentioning the existence of
centrifugal fibers going from higher brain areas to the retina. One article
is Peter Sterling's "Retina", ch. 6 in _The_Synaptic_Organization_of_the_Brain_,
3rd edition, ed. Gordon Shepherd, 1990. Sterling mentions that such pathways
have been found "in certain vertebrate orders, including fish, amphibia,
reptiles, and birds."
My question is: are such pathways known to exist in primates and humans?
If so, can anyone give me some references to sources that discuss such
pathways and their functions?
-- Mike
Mike Hucka | Internet: hucka at engin.umich.edu
University of Michigan AI Lab | 1101 Beal Ave., Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2110