job research assistant -auditory evp

gouldh at msuvx1.memst.edu gouldh at msuvx1.memst.edu
Thu Jul 15 13:31:29 EST 1993

DEADLINE               JULY 30, 1993

Research Associate - Auditory Electrophysiology - Audiology & Speech Path.

Job Summary:  Collect and analyze data pertaining to auditory 
electrophysiology and diagnostic audiology research. Evaluate subjects for
type and extent of hearing lossand speech understanding. Maintain calibration 
laboratory equipment. Assist in preparation of manuscripts for publication.

Minimum Qualifications: Master's degree in audiology including courses in
instrumentation, statistics, anatomy of the auditory system, and auditory 
electrophysiology.  Certificate of Clinical Competence in Audiology or 
equivalent experience. Experience in electrophysiologic assessment of the 
auditory system.

Special Conditions:  Position funded until June 30, 1994; continuation is 
contingent upon refunding. position located at 807 Jefferson Ave. Memphis Tn.

Hiring Range: $26,244 - 30,043

If interested contact:  

Department of Personnel
Jones Hall, Rm 108
Memphis State University
Memphis Tn.  38125

call  901/678-2601 for application

gouldh at msuvx1.memst.edu

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