Spinal cord injury and publishing

creative soul riker at access.digex.net
Fri Jul 9 20:09:09 EST 1993

Hello, fellow sojourners of planet earth.  I am
seeking some information, and hoping that some of
you may help me.  I am a writer.  I have written a
novel about a young woman who is a paraplegic, and
is desperately seeking a medical healing agent for
her spinal injury.

I am seeking a publisher.  I am following fairly
standard procedure:  Acquiring names of agents and
editors from various well-known, up-to-date
reference books which contain such information.  
I am then sending query letters.  To date I have
received some very encouraging rejections (if
that's not a contradiction in terms!).

The problem is this:  From the information in the
reference books, it's hard to tell which
agents/editors might have a specific interest in
disability issues.  So, I am asking: Can you
recommend to me the name of an agent and/or editor
whom you know to be interested in disability?  If
so, an address or phone number would be helpful
along with the name.

You may rely upon the fact that my approach to the
agent/editor will be courteous and professional.

Please respond via e-mail to:
riker at access.digex.com

Thanks in advance for all replies.


P.S.  Sorry, sorry, sorry -- if this query doesn't
fit with the usual topics in this Newsgroup.
In the whole list of Usenet newsgroups on the system
where I have access, there were only two groups that
dealt directly with disability (and those were nearly
devoid of traffic!).  So, I'm trying a few other 
Newsgroups that seem reasonably related.

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