Graduate Slot Available

Tom Smulders tvs1 at Cornell.edu
Wed Jul 7 18:14:59 EST 1993

In article <1993Jul7.124129.25303 at ringer.cs.utsa.edu> David M. Senseman,
senseman at lucy.brainlab.utsa.edu writes:
>post a brief description of my lab.

* Tom Smulders                   							                                 
      * Under the most precisely controlled   *
* Cornell University                                                     
      *                  conditions,                        *
* Department of Psychology                                               
*                                                           *
* Uris Hall                                                              
            *       Animals do as they damn please !*
* Ithaca, NY 14853                                                       
     *                                                            *
* USA                                                                    
             *                                                           *
* Tel : (607) 255-1352                                                   
     *   Harvard Law of Animal Behavior   *
* e-mail : tvs1 at cornell.edu                                              
  *                                                           *

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