TRH NMR data?

Carsten Reissner reissner at ADJAR.DESY.DE
Thu Jul 8 14:08:45 EST 1993

Hi netters,
someone told me NMR investigations of Thyrotropin-Releasing Hormone 
(pGlu-His-ProNH2) were made. Does anyone know about publikations, or has an 
idea of the physiological folding of this tripeptide? The best would be to have 
the 3D-coordinates of TRH.

Thanks in advance
Carsten Reissner                                reissner at adjar.desy.de
Max-Planck Research Units for
Structural Molecular Biology
c/o DESY, Notkestrasse 85                          Phone: (040) 892625
22603 Hamburg, Germany                             FAX:   (040) 891314

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