Post-doc in Neurophysiology...

P C Knox pck at castle.ed.ac.uk
Tue Jul 6 03:20:45 EST 1993

		      University of Edinburgh

	Applications are invited for a post-doctoral research  post  for
up to three years to join a group  working  on  the  physiology  of  the
control of gaze (see Donaldson & Knox,  Neuroscience  38:145-161,  1990;
Knox & Donaldson, Proc.Roy.Soc.Lond.B.  246:243-250, 1991; Hayman et al,
J.Physiol (Lond) 459:458P, 1993). 
	Experience in single unit  electrophysiology  is  essential  and
some  experience  of  anatomical   neural   tracing   techniques   using
transported markers would be and advantage.  Salary on  the  AR1A  scale
with placement according to age and experience.  Initial  salary  up  to
#17 379, which includes Wellcome Trust supplement.  Informal  enquiries:
telephone 031-650-3526

	Applications (please quote REF: NA 930215) including full CV and
the names and addresses of two academic referees,  should  be  submitted
	The Personnel Office,
	The University of Edinburgh,
	1 Roxburgh Street,
	Edinburgh EH8 9TB

		The closing date is 31st July, 1993. 

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