SUMMARY: From neurobiological to computation

DEFRANCESCO Massimo massimo at cui.unige.ch
Sun Jul 4 03:43:49 EST 1993

In article 28366 at news.unige.ch,  massimo at cui.unige.ch (DEFRANCESCO Massimo) writes:
>A couple of weeks ago I posted a request on the net for the state
>of the art in neuromodelling, with emphasis on the computational side. 
>I received 13 answers, 4 of which were asking for the summary.
>Many thanks to the following people (hope I forgot nobody):

Well, I did. Here is the reply of Tobias Fabio Christen (tchriste at iiic.ethz.ch):

  We are a team at Ciba SA in Basel that has members of the biological side
  the electrical side and me as a computer scientist, due to connections
  of my boss (Thomas Knoepfel) we have contact and pers. comm. with people from
  the EPFZ (department for theoretical physics) and the Brain Research Center
  at the UNI ZH. At the moment we are working around a simulation for presynaptic
  modulation via auto- and heteroreceptors (though we are still way apart from
  the definite model).

  Depending on whether you want a purely electrophysiological model or whether
  you want to bring in some biochemical aspects (specially for synaptical

  transmission and second messenger gadgets), you do need different approaches
  and literature (where as these two worlds seem to avoid each other).

  For the former case a good introduction to the evolution biological->technical
  net is:

  AU  - Koch C
  AU  - Segev I 
  TI  - Methods in Neuronal Modeling
  ED  - Koch C
  ED  - Segev I
  BK  -
  SO  - MIT Press ,Cambridge, MA 1989;1:0-0

  AU  - Traub RD
  AU  - Miles R
  TI  - Neuronal Networks of the Hippocampus
  ED  - Traub RD
  ED  - Miles R
  BK  -
  SO  - Cambridge University Press ,New York 1991;1:0-0

  The biochemical side has little or nothing done in generalizing models there is
  only little literature available (if you need it fell free to contact me)


Thanks again!


Massimo de Francesco		email: massimo at cui.unige.ch
Research assistant
Computer Science Center
University of Geneva

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