PD 3D reconstruction software

Joachim Erber nevr2134 at mailszrz.zrz.tu-berlin.de
Thu Jul 1 07:35:44 EST 1993

Does anybody know about a PD software for
3-D reconstruction of serial sections?
The purpose is to reconstruct the organization
of larger areas of the CNS, not single neurons.

Thank you
                Daniel Faensen

___________________()/ ()_________________________________________________      

/ Daniel Faensen                  email: nevr2134 at mails.zrz.tu-berlin.de /
/ AG Neurobiologie                   					 /
/ Inst. fuer Biologie              Fax:   ++49-30-314 73177              /
/ FR 1-1                           Phone: ++49-30-314 73303              /
/ Franklinstr. 28-29                                                     /
/ D-1000 Berlin 10                                                       /

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