Whence cybernetics?

Peter Dudey, Order of the Golden Parentheses dudeyp at storm.cs.orst.edu
Tue Jul 6 21:13:14 EST 1993

In article <1993Jul7.013132.11916 at ee.surrey.ac.uk> (null)@ee.surrey.ac.uk (Danny Banks) writes:
(Note other author)
>|> Ideally, NNs should be analog machines (... that takes us quite far
>|> back to the past). Unfortunately, the technology is not yet in place
>|> for that. I am a true believer that it is only a matter of time,
>|> though.
>I fink Alan Turing showed that provided you had a big enough digital computer,
>enough time, etc, you could simulate just about anything on it.

Correct me if I'm wrong:

A digital computer with one random input can be made to emulate an analog
computer, by adding a small random number to each of two numbers before
comparing them.  Might not be as fast, though...

: Peter Dudey, dudeyp at storm.cs.orst.edu, 257 NE 13th, Salem, OR 97301      :
: Oregon State University, Dept. of Computer Science   (MS student in AI)  :
: My views are my own, and I'm more than willing to discuss them.          :
: Please finger me for some questions I have, and email any answers.       :

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