Nonsynaptic neuronal communication

Dr Richard M Vickery ucgbrmv at ucl.ac.uk
Wed Jul 7 06:01:27 EST 1993

An absence of uptake mechanisms is probably too strong a contention.  The
action is primarily at extrajunctional receptors, and so I would expect
that the density of uptake enzymes would be less than at a synaptic
density, however, I should have thought that they were still bound to
be present.  I agree however that these actions, and that of the extent
of neurotransmitter drift, are important issues for investigation.

Richard M Vickery                  \ /
ucgbrmv at ucl.ac.uk                 (oVo)    Our Quest is for meaning,
ph. 44-71-387 7050 x3256          )   (    but the Meaning IS the quest.
fax 44-71-383 7005                 ^ ^

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