Whence cybernetics?

null at ee.surrey.ac.uk
Tue Jul 6 10:46:19 EST 1993

In article <1993Jul6.060552.26128 at news.media.mit.edu>, minsky at media.mit.edu (Marvin Minsky) writes:


|>   There was not so much research in neural networks between 1969, when
|> the book was published, and around 1980 or so.  This may have been
|> partly because we showed .......

[lotsa stuff cut to save b/w]

I was under the impression that a significant contribution to the demise in
neural network research was due to the 'rise' of the digital computer.... Now
(well... in recent years) people have realised that there are things neural
nets can do better than the digital computer, and it's revived NN research.

Maybe that's too simplisitc a view.....


Danny Banks.						eep1db at ee.surrey.ac.uk
I'm *not* a mad scientist............................I'm an eccentric engineer.

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