A couple of weeks ago I posted a request on the net for the state
of the art in neuromodelling, with emphasis on the computational side.
I received 13 answers, 4 of which were asking for the summary.
Many thanks to the following people (hope I forgot nobody):
Richard E. Myers (rmyers at ics.uci.edu)
Jacques Brisson (X042 at hec.ca)
Christoph Ian Connoly (connoly at cs.umass.edu)
Prashanth Kumar (akp at cns.nyu.edu)
Tobias Fabio Christen (tchriste at iiic.ethz.ch)
Joern Erbguth (jnerbgut at cip.informatik.uni-erlangen.de)
Drago IndJic (d.indjic at ic.ac.uk)
Thomas P. Vogl (vogl at helix.nih.gov)
German Cavelier (cavelier at smaug.cns.caltech.edu)
Original question:
>I need your precious help to find out what is the state of the art
>in neuromodelling of the human brain AND derivation from the neurological
>model of "practical", computer-oriented, artificial neural network
>models. We are going to start a research that will a) study the
>behaviour of real neurons at the neurophysiological level, b) develop
>a theoretical (biological) model able to explain the observations,
>and c) develop from it an artificial neural network (ANN) model usable in
>practical applications.
>We are aware of at least one ANN model which was heavily derived from
>neurophysiological investigations of neurons in the hyppocampus, i-e. the
>Dystal model (Alkon et al).
>We are heavily interested in references/pointers to any work of this kind.
>Email is preferred because faster. Feel free to post anyway.
>I will compile a summary of the answers that I'll receive privately.
Richard E. Myers recommends to look at the work of Gary Lynch and Richard
Granger. References included:
1. Gluck MA; Granger R.
Computational models of the neural bases of learning and memory.
Annual Review of Neuroscience, 1993, 16:667-706.
(UI: 93213082)
Pub type: Journal Article; Review; Review, Academic.
2. Ambros-Ingerson J; Granger R; Lynch G.
Simulation of paleocortex performs hierarchical clustering.
Science, 1990 Mar 16, 247(4948):1344-8.
ABSTRACT available. (UI: 90193697)
3. Granger R; Lynch G.
Higher olfactory processes: perceptual learning and memory.
Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 1991 Aug, 1(2):209-14.
ABSTRACT available. (UI: 92330264)
Pub type: Journal Article; Review; Review, Tutorial.
4. Anton PS; Lynch G; Granger R.
Computation of frequency-to-spatial transform by olfactory bulb glomeruli.
Biological Cybernetics, 1991, 65(5):407-14.
ABSTRACT available. (UI: 92075782)
Jacques Brisson (X042 at hec.ca) suggests to get a hand on the november
1992 issue of Trends In the Neuroscience. It is a special edition on
Nervous System Modelization. [thanks Jacques, we did]
Christopher Ian Connolly (connoly at cs.umass.edu) suggests the following
Connolly CI, Burns JB, "A Model for the Functioning of the Striatum",
Biological Cybernetics 68(6):535-544.
It discusses a method for robot control and a plausible correlate in
networks of medium spiny cells ("matrisomes") of the striatum.
Prashanth Kumar A.K. (akp at cns.nyu.edu) writes:
work of Ken miller might be of interest to you (E-Mail: ken at caltech.edu)
he worked with mike stryker and developed models for development of ODC
and now for orientation selectivity.
Drago Indjic (d.indjic at ic.ac.uk) suggests to take a look at Kryukov et al
work described in a few books by Manchester University Press 1990:
Attention and neural networks and Stochastic Cellular Systems.
Kryukov is continuing Ukhtomsky work (Pavlov reflex
school competitor)and is based on many decades of
experimental work.
Thomas P. Vogl (vogl at helix.nih.gov) writes:
look at the paper by Blackwell et al in the July '92 issue of "Pattern
Recognition" ; also the paper by Werness et al (particularly some of the
references therein) in the December '92 issue of "Biological Cybernetics"
German Cavelier (cavelier at smaug.cns.caltech.edu) suggests to ask info
about GENESIS to David Bilitch (dhb at smaug.cns.caltech.edu).
Joern Erbguth sent to me a very interesting and long summary he posted
some days before my request on neuromodelling. Since his summary has been
already posted to bionet.neuroscience, I won't include it here (but will
include it in my summary for comp.ai.neural-nets)
That's all. Thanks again for your help. The net is a real pleasure.
Massimo de Francesco email: massimo at cui.unige.ch
Research assistant
Computer Science Center
University of Geneva