
simonofb at wmavm7.VNET.IBM.COM simonofb at wmavm7.VNET.IBM.COM
Fri Nov 20 15:46:00 EST 1992

I agree with Kate, it seems as though  Mark W. Dubin hit the
nail on the head.  His statements exactly match my experiences.
Unfortunately, that means there is no hope.  I really wonder
what I am missing by seeing things differently (as tests have

Stereographs do not work for me.  3D movies dont have any effect.
And a picture of a fly my doctor showed me looked fine to me, but
was supposed to look screwed up in some way.  This is how he made
his diagnosis.  Like Kate, I can drive with out a problem, but
certain circumstances cause problems.

Robert Simonoff
simonofb at wmavm7.vnet.ibm.com

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