Lastest on Halperidol?

David M. Senseman senseman at lucy.brainlab.utsa.edu
Fri Dec 25 20:38:18 EST 1992

Haloperidol is a rather "old" dopamine blocker (=antagonist).
As I understand it, it doesn't differentiate between D1 and D2
receptors and in certain systems atleast, it has cross reactivity
with serotonin. 

The reason I'm asking? We recently did some experiments in which
Haloperidol reduced a rather interesting neuophysiological process
(maybe you'll read about it in Science?   :-)   Anyway, I would
appreciate any info on Halperidol that the wizards on bionet.neuroscience
care to share. 

Thanks. (and Merry Christmas :-)
David M. Senseman, Ph.D.     | A man who has never gone to school may steal 
(senseman at lonestar.utsa.edu) | from a freight car; but if he has a university
Division of Life Sciences    | education, he may steal the whole railroad.
UT San Antonio               |             Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919)

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