5-HT Receptors

Scott Buckley theron at reed.edu
Wed Dec 23 02:00:00 EST 1992

It's just a tad dated, but I'm still fond of 

Marsden, CA, et al. (1989) Functional identification of 5HT receptor subtypes. 
Comp. Review Biochem. Physiol.  93A(1):107-114

This is a comprehensive tour though serotonin receptor subtypes & their
specializations as of approx. 3 years ago.

Also, almost anything at all by G. Aghajanian would be interesting.  Try:

{Aghajanian, G. K. (1987) Serotonin. In Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, 
F. Adel, ed.  Cambridge, Mass., Birkhauser, p. 1082.

Aghajanian, G. K. et al. (1987) Physiology of the midbrain serotonin system. 
In Psychopharmacology, The Third Generation of Progress, 
Herbert Y. Meltzer, ed.  Raven Press, New York, pp. 141-149.

I'm sure other readers will add lots of others.

Good Luck! (& Happy New Year to all!)

Scott Buckley
RS Dow Inst. of Neurological Science (Portland, Oregon)
theron at reed.edu


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