
Andrew Wright 93asw at williams.edu
Sun Dec 6 21:29:41 EST 1992

On Designing a Brain-Computer Interface:
After all, computers were once science fiction, too.

Andrew Wright
NSCI 401
Williams College
93asw at williams.edu
awright at mindvox.com

Note: This is a list of references available becuase of a large interest in
the topic among people on the net. A short version of the paper that these
references were gathered for, with technical details edited out,  is
available on alt.cyberpunk.tech, and bionet.neuroscience.  A full version
is also available.  I would also be willing to place it on a site allowing
anonymous ftp, if anyone knows of an appropriate site.  It will probably be
posted to mindvox, as well.

Dorman, MF, Dankowski, K, McCandless, G, Parkin, JL  (1991) Vowel and
consonant recognition with the aid of a multichannel cochlear implant 
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology- Human Experimental
Psychology: 43A, 585-601

Freedman, David (1992) If he only had a brain Discover:  13 (8)  54-60

Fromherz, Peter, Offenh
usser, Andreas, Vetter, Thomas, Weis, Jrgen. 
(1991) A Neuron Silicon Junction: A Retzius Cell of the Leech on an
Insulated-Gate Field-Effect Transistor  Science: 252, 1291-1293

Kuperstein, M and Eichenbaum, H.  (1985)  Unit activity, evoked potential
and slow waves in the rat hippocampus and olfactory bulb recorded with a
24-channel microelectrode  Neuroscience: 15, 703-712

Nathan, Paco (1992) Be-It-Yourself Tech: IBVA  Mondo 2000: 7, 24-26

Pickard, RS (1979) Printed circuit microelectrodes  TINS:2, 259-261

Wilson, BS, Finley, CC, Lawson, DT, Wolford, RD (1991) Better speech
recognition with cochlear implants Nature: 352, 236-238

Wolpaw, JR, McFarland, DJ, Neat, GW, Forneris, CA  (1991) An EEG based
brain-computer interface for cursor control  Electroencephalography and
Clinical Neurophysiology: 78, 252-259

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