Pain and Analgesia Part II

Rebecca Drayer drayer-rebecca at yale.edu
Sat Dec 5 19:28:41 EST 1992

I probably should have been more clear in my last posting.  I've already
read Basbaum and Fields' 1984 article in the Annual Review of
Neuroscience.  I'm just looking for more information, especially about the
descending part of the system (i.e. the dorsal lateral funiculus).

A couple of specific questions I have are:
	1.) At the time of publication, not much was known about the role
of norepinephrine in the activation of endogenous pain control systems. 
Is anything more known at the present time?

	2.) Have the opioid peptide receptors been cloned yet? If so, what
is the subunit composition?

	3.) What is the significance of the co-existence of classical
neurotransmitters and neuropeptides in some of the neurons in the pain
control systems?

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Rebecca A. Drayer, EMT-A            |    drayer at minerva.cis.yale.edu
Neurobiology major                  |    Computing Assistant
                                    |    Silliman College, Yale University

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