Graduate study in Neuroethology.

c.j. palmer rda677g at nella13.cc.monash.edu.au
Tue Oct 22 21:45:44 EST 1991

I am interested in doing post-graduate study in "Neuroethology" , investigating
the neural mechanisms and neural networks responsible for the autonomous
behaviour of simpler animals : the biological mechanisms which allow animals to
interact with its environment. Due to my "Digital Technology" background I am
also interested in "Computational Neuroethology" , implementation of
neuroethological models in hardware (ie. Biologically inspired control
architectures for autonomous agents.) and "Artifical Life".
I would like to know of any people who are involved in neuroetholgical research
and people who may be involved in related disciplines such as Computational
Neuroethology or Artifical Life with respect to neuroethology.I would also be
intereseted in knowing about current research work in this area and sources of
where such information on such topics could be found.I an also keen to know of
institutions ( particularly in U.S.A. , U.K. , AUST. or N.Z. ) which are
engaged in such research and would be congenial for undertaking a Ph.D. 
I would be grateful for any information.
Please email information to : rda677g at nellads.cc.monash.edu.au

Christopher PALMER
rda677g at nellads.cc.monash.edu.au
Dept. of Robotics and Digital Technology
Monash University  
Melbourne, Australia.

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