Hello to everyone !
A week ago, I asked for literature on the subject of object-recognition
in the human visual system. For everyone interested in this subject I
compiled the answers I received. Here is the list:
Articles by John K. Tsotsos (tsotsos at vis.toronto.edu):
- Tsotsos, J.K., ``A `Complexity Level' Analysis of Vision'', Proceedings
of International Conference on Computer Vision: Human and Machine
Vision Workshop, London, England, June 1987.
- Tsotsos, J.K., ``How Does Human Vision beat the Computational
Complexity of Visual Perception?'', in Computational Processes in
Human Vision: An Interdisciplinary Perspective'', ed. by Z. Pylyshyn,
Ablex Press, Norwood, NJ, pp. 286 - 338, 1988.
- Tsotsos, J.K, ``A `Complexity Level' Analysis of Immediate Vision'',
International Journal of Computer Vision, Marr Prize Special Issue,
Vol. 2, No. 1, p 303 - 320, Sept. 1988.
- Tsotsos, J., ``The Complexity of Perceptual Search Tasks'', Proc.
International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Detroit,
August, 1989, pp1571 - 1577.
- Tsotsos, J.K., ``Analyzing Vision at the Complexity Level'', Behavioral
and Brain Sciences 13-3, p423 - 445, 1990.
- Tsotsos, J., ``A Little Complexity Analysis goes a Long Way'',
Behavioral and Brain Sciences13-3, (reply to 17 open peer
commentaries), p 458 - 469, 1990.
- Tsotsos, J., "Is Complexity Theory appropriate for analysing
biological systems?", Behavioral and Brain Sciences, continuing
commentary on P. Kube (to appear).
- Tsotsos, J.K., ``Image Understanding'', for The Encyclopedia of
Artificial Intelligence, Second Edition, ed. by S. Shapiro, John Wiley
and Sons (in press)
- Tsotsos, J.K., "On the Relative Complexity of Passive vs Active Visual
Search", International Journal of Computer Vision, (to appear, issue
7-3 or 7-4).
Tsotsos, J.K., ``Localizing Stimuli in a Sensory Field using an
Inhibitory Attentional Beam'', (submitted).
Articles by Grossberg ... :
- Stephen Grossberg & Ennio Mingolla NEURAL DYNAMICS OF PERCEPTUAL
Psychophysics (1985), 38 (2), 141-171. This work presents the BCS /
FCS model with detailed psychophysical motivation for the model
components and computer simulation of the BCS.
- Stephen Grossberg & Ennio Mingolla NEURAL DYNAMICS OF SURFACE
Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing (1987) 37, 116-165.
This model extends the BCS to explore its response to gradients of
illumination. It is mentioned here because of an elegant modification
of the second competitive stage that was utilized in our simulations.
- Stephen Grossberg & Dejan Todorovic NEURAL DYNAMICS OF 1-D AND 2-D
BRIGHTNESS PERCEPTION Perception and Psychophysics (1988) 43, 241-277.
A beautifully lucid summary of BCS / FCS modules with 1-D and 2-D
computer simulations with excellent graphics reproducing several
brightness perception illusions. This algorithm dispenses with
boundary completion, but in return it simulates the FCS operation.
Articles by Steve Lehar (slehar at park.bu.edu):
PROGRESS IN NEURAL NETWORKS volume 3 (Ed. by Ablex Publishing Corp.)
In print.
Proceedings of the SPIE, Vol. 1469 (Applications of Artificial Neural
Networks Conference) April 1991.
University, Center for Adaptive Systems technical report #
S. Lehar also accepted to mail an article describing the work of Grossberg
and Mingolla and his own extensions to the model to everyone interested.
Articles by Desimone..., Rolls..., Maunsell..., Van Essen, Beusmans...:
@article{ Phillipsetal88,
author = "Raymond R. Phillips and Barbara L. Malamut and Jocelyne Bachevalier and Mortimer Mishkin",
title = "Dissociation of the effects of inferior temporal and limbic lesions on
object discrimination learning with 24-h intertrial intervals",
journal = "Behavioural Brain Research",
year = 1988,
volume = 27,
pages = "99--107"}
@incollection{ DesimoneUngerleider89,
author = "Robert Desimone and Leslie G. Ungerleider",
title = "Neural Mechanisms of visual processing in monkeys",
booktitle = "Handbook of Neuropsychology",
volume = 2,
editor = "F. Boller and J. Grafman",
year = 1989,
publisher = "Elsevier Science Publishers B. V.",
chapter = 14,
annote = "excellent overview of the visual pathways -particularly IT
details about cells in the different areas
section on attentional effects -- only visible V4, MT
and up.
good pictures and flow diagrams of visual areas
actual data on some face cells -respond only to face as
a whole ****",
pages = "267--299"}
author = "E.T. Rolls and G.C. Baylis and M.E. Hasselmo and V. Nalwa",
title = "The effect of learning on the face selective responses of neurons in the cortex in the superior temporal sulcus of the monkey",
journal = "Exp. Brain Res.",
year = 1989,
volume = 76,
pages = "153--164",
annote = "response to faces changes as the set of faces becomes familiar. Also
responses to old faces change with the learning of a new face"}
@incollection{ Rolls90,
author = "Edmund T. Rolls",
title = "The Representation of Information in the Temporal Lobe Visual Cortical Areas
of Macaques",
editor = "R. Eckmiller",
booktitle = "Advanced Neural Computers",
publisher = "Elsevier Science Publishers",
pages = "69--78",
year = 1990}
@article{ MaunsellNewsome87,
author = "John H. R. Maunsell and William T. Newsome",
title = "Visual Processing in Monkey Extrastriate Cortex",
journal = "Ann. Rev. Neurosci.",
year = 1987,
volume = 10,
pages = "363--401"}
author = "D. C. Van Essen",
title = "Functional organization of primate visual cortex",
booktitle = "Cerebral Cortex",
editor = "A. Peters and E. G. Jones",
year = 1985,
publisher = "Plenum",
pages = "259--329"}
@article{ Desimoneetal84,
author = "Robert Desimone and Thomas D. Albright and Charles G. Gross and Charles Bruce",
title = "Stimulus-Selective Properties of Inferior Temporal Neurons in the Macaque",
journal = "The Journal of Neuroscience",
year = 1984,
volume = 4,
number = 10,
pages = "2051--2062"}
@techreport{ Beusmans87,
author = "Jack M. H. Beusmans",
title = "Visual Recognition of Objects: Behavioral, Computational, and Neurobiological Aspects",
institution = "Dept. of Information \& Computer Science, University of California, Irvine",
year = 1987,
month = Aug,
number = "TR-87-21"}
Some more hints:
- Douglas Hofstader in Metamagical Themas in his most recent book,
- Irving Biedermann with work on 3-D object recognition
- Steven Kosslyn
- Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience , issue 1991 with work on face recognition.
Thats all. Thanks to everyone who helped !
Rainer Krienke krienke at infko.UUCP
Universitaet Koblenz, krienke at infko.uni-koblenz.de
Rechenzentrum, Voice: +49 261 9119-641
Rheinau 3-4, D-5400 Koblenz, Germany Fax: +49 261 37524