Child in Sinagapore

Geoffrey E Ott ott at eniac.seas.upenn.edu
Thu Oct 10 18:33:27 EST 1991


	This posting is in reference to the request that someone be found
to help the child with nerve dfamage in Singapore.

	I asked around at CHOP (Childrens' Hospital of the University of
Pennsylvania) and came up with a couple of names.

	First, a Dr. Sutton, ph# (215)590-2780.  I was told that he may even
know of doctors in the Singapore area that could be helpful.

	Second, a Dr. Schut, same ph#.  Unfortunately, I was unable to
personally contact these doctors, but this is what I know.  If I should
get in touch with them, I'll explain the situation and try and post some-
thing relevant.

	Sorry I couln't e-mail this, but I had a problem with the address.

	ott at eniac.seas.upenn.edu

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