I'm looking for detailed information on brain tumors.
Seems my nephew (14) has had two seizures in the last
two months and has a 'spot' in (or on) his brain.
My sister, a molecular biologist who doesn't know
anything in this area, is trying not to be a wreck.
Can the group make any recommendations as to
what a "spot in the occipital portion" of the brain
means? (Please no "he's dead in 6 months comments")
Where can I get good, up-to-date information on the
matter? Where is the best medicine (she lives in redneckville, PA)?
Thanks for any informative suggestions you offer,
^ Brian D. Schieber NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center ^
^ schieb at shark.gsfc.nasa.gov Laboratory for Hydrospheric ^
^ DECnet: urchin::schieb Processes ^
^ Its just a matter of time before all life on Earth is killed ^
^ by the .... ^