waterfall effect and audition

Lonce LaMar Wyse lwyse at copley.bu.edu
Mon Oct 14 13:33:23 EST 1991

The waterfall effect in vision is the perception of motion in one
direction after viewing motion in the other.

Is there an analogous effect in audition in either apparent location
or frequency space?

					Thanks, lonce

   XXX     XXX         Lonce Wyse                                |
  X           X        Center for Adaptive Systems          \    |    /
  X           X        Boston University                     \       /
                       111 Cummington St.                   
                       Boston,MA 02215                   ----         ----
  X           X                                   
  X           X        "The best things in life              /       \
   XXX     XXX         are emergent."                       /    |    \

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