You are more than a brain...

P C Knox pck at castle.ed.ac.uk
Tue Oct 1 03:51:21 EST 1991

A lot is known about what goes on in your brain when you see, hear,
smell or feel something aesthetically pleasing. How the inputs are
organised is well studied, the outputs (neurophysiological and
psychological) are known. Its the bit in the middle thats a problem. How
you get from the electrical activity of nerve cells to conscious
experience; thats where all the questions are still being begged!
For an introductory treatment try "Neuronal Man" by Jean-Pierre Changeux
(O.U.P., esp. CH4 "Into Action) or perhaps the collection of essays
"Mindwaves" (Eds Blakemore and Greenfield, Blackwell).
If anyone has any brilliant ideas, please share!  ...or is it all a

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