Graduate study in Neurosciences

kara at uctvax.uct.ac.za kara at uctvax.uct.ac.za
Sun Oct 13 14:23:31 EST 1991

I am presently completing a Masters degree at the
University of Cape Town (South Africa). I will commence a
Ph.d. program in Neuroscience in the US next year. I have
been working on the visual system for the past two years
and will continue in that area in an attempt to
understand cortical computation at the microcircuit
level. I wish to speak to graduate students in
Neuroscience or Biology at any of the following
institutions: Caltech, UCI, UCLA, Alabama (Birmingham),
Iowa, Northwestern (see full list below). I have chosen
these universities because of their supposedly strong
Neuroscience programs and because at each of these there
is a scientist that has similar research interests to
mine. I would like a first-hand student viewpoint on the
academic and social environment at these universities. A
bonus would be to speak to students that have worked in a
laboratory that I may very well find myself in.
Please email all correspondence to: kara at uctvax.uct.ac.za

Prakash Kara
kara at uctvax.uct.ac.za
Dept. of Physiology
UCT Medical School
Cape Town, South Africa

List of potential supervisors in the US:
Caltech:  C. Anderson, J. Allman, D Van Essen
UCI:  E. Jones, R. Frostig
Northwestern:  D. Ferster
Iowa:  A.Kay, A & H Damasio
Alabama, Birmingham:  M. Friedlander, T. Norton
UCLA:  S. Schein
Johns Hopkins:  Georgopolous, G. Poggio
Rockefeller:  T. Wiesel
Berkeley:  A. Westheimer, W. Freeman
Harvard:  D. Hubel

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