Help! EEG spectral analysis...

James Tizard psjmt at cc.flinders.edu.au
Mon Oct 28 00:12:27 EST 1991

We wish to assess the power of 40Hz activity in short period (100-200msec)
EEG records sampled at 1khz. The only spectral analysis tool available to
us is FFT based power spectrum calculation. I'm not at all confident
that this is the best approach, but have no way to assess this. Could
anyone *please* help us out ? I guess what I'm asking is whether
there exists a technique for measuring the power in a limited band, given
a restricted number of samples ?

Any assistance with references or suggested algorithms will be greatly
appreciated and fully acknowledged where appropriate.

Thanks in advance

 _--_|\        James Tizard                             
/      \       Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory
\_.-*._/       Psychology Department                    
      v        Flinders University of South Australia   
               psjmt at cc.flinders.edu.au 

From: psjmt at cc.flinders.edu.au (James Tizard)
Newsgroups: bionet.neuroscience,sci.eng,sci.math
Subject: Help! EEG spectral analysis...
Distribution: aus,usa
Organization: Flinders University, S.A., Australia

We wish to assess the power of 40Hz activity in short period (100-200msec)
EEG records sampled at 1khz. The only spectral analysis tool available to
us is FFT based power spectrum calculation. I'm not at all confident
that this is the best approach, but have no way to assess this. Could
anyone *please* help us out ? I guess what I'm asking is whether
there exists a technique for measuring the power in a limited band, given
a restricted number of samples ?

Any assistance with references or suggested algorithms will be greatly
appreciated and fully acknowledged where appropriate.

Thanks in advance

 _--_|\        James Tizard                             
/      \       Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory
\_.-*._/       Psychology Department                    
      v        Flinders University of South Australia   
               psjmt at cc.flinders.edu.au 

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