Need literature! Subject: Object recognition in the human visual system

krienke at infko.uni-koblenz.de krienke at infko.uni-koblenz.de
Thu Oct 17 06:24:23 EST 1991

Hello ! 
Is there anyone who has (or knows about) literature to the subject of object 
recognition in the human visual system ?
The literature I have is (or is derived of) the work of Hubel and Wiese on
the striate cortex (hypercolumn theory).
Does anyone have more recent literature on this subject, especially on how
(high-level) object recognition outside the striate cortex is performed.
The question of interest to me is: What is known today about how the brain
manages to recognize objects (eg. a letter) regardless of their size, 
orientation etc. .
If you know anything about those questions please mail to:

	krienke at infko.uni-koblenz.de

Thanks a lot,
Rainer Krienke

Rainer Krienke                                     krienke at infko.UUCP      
Universitaet Koblenz,                              krienke at infko.uni-koblenz.de
Rechenzentrum,                                     Voice: +49 261 9119-641
Rheinau 3-4, D-5400 Koblenz, Germany               Fax:   +49 261 37524

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