Seeking digitized brain atlas (or partner[s] in creating one)

William Thang Katz wk5w at impcsun2.bme.Virginia.EDU
Sun May 26 22:13:58 EST 1991

We are starting up a brain imaging project with our Dept. of Neurosurgery
and are looking for any digitized brain atlases, particularly ones that
would be useful in stereotactic brain surgery.  If you have something that
might fit the bill, drop me a line and we can discuss terms, etc.

If no such databases are available but you would like to create one, feel
free to drop me a line as well.  We would also be interested in information
pointing us towards researchers which have detailed brain atlases in digital

 |  William T. Katz,  a.k.a. Bill The Kat  |  e-mail: wk5w at virginia.edu  |
 |  Medical Scientist Training Program     |     tel: 804-924-8195       |
 |  Univ of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA  |                             |
 |          "Despite the cost of living, it's still popular."            |

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