We are setting up a lab in Spain and we need some information about
companies selling amplifiers for DC/AC recording in humans but optionally
they will be used also for recording EEG in animals.
Do you Know any other company than Grass, preferiantially based in
Europe to avoid problem of international transfers of currency and to
avoid intermediate companies, that could have this kind of equipment.
If you have this kind of information could you send us the address of
such companies.
We really would appreciate it.
cgomez at ucsd.edu.
Carlos Gomez Manuel Portavella
c/o S. A. Hillyard Laboratorio de Psicobiologia
Department of Neuroscience, 0608 Facultad Filosofia y C.E.
9500 Gilman Drive Avda. Fco. Javier s/n
La Jolla CA 92093 Sevilla 41005