Brain sexual dimorphism

David Adler dadler at milton.u.washington.edu
Thu May 30 12:55:14 EST 1991

GHRIGG01 at ulkyvm.bitnet ("Garrett H. Riggs") writes:

>Hello, everyone.

>I'm looking for any really good references (especially recent articles) on
>differences between males and females in the development of brain/CNS
>structures (any species will do). Any information would be greatly


I don't have references but I thought I would
throw an idea out. All female mammals (marsupials
excluded) are mosaics, for X-linked genes, due
to the random inactivation of the X chromosome.
I've always thought that this
may be important in terms of sexual dimorphism
in mammals, particularly in brain/CNS development,
function and maybe behavior. Maybe a little
discussion of this idea would be fruitful.

David A. Adler                  Pathology SM-30
University of Washington        Seattle, WA 98195
"Science is nothing but trained and organized common sense"
David A. Adler			Pathology SM-30
University of Washington	Seattle, WA 98195
"Science is nothing but trained and organized common sense"
T.H.Huxley 1825-1895

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