Changes coming to BIOSCI

Dave Kristofferson kristoff at GENBANK.BIO.NET
Tue May 7 17:56:28 EST 1991

Dear BIOSCI users,

I apologize for sending a copy of this to each of the newsgroups, but
I need to make sure that all of our e-mail subscribers are notified of
an impending reorganization of BIOSCI.

It appears that we will be doing some substantive reconfiguration work
on BIOSCI in the very near future.  I will provide details soon on the
BIONEWS/bionet.general newsgroup (where this has previously been
discussed), but I am sending this message out now as an alert for the
following reasons:

1) if anyone finds that their BIOSCI subscriptions cease, please
send a message to me at biosci at genbank.bio.net.  It is possible that
some addresses may cause problems and may have to be withheld from
mailings until clarification is received.  You can help us if you
notice that you no longer are receiving postings by sending
me mail from the address at which you wish to receive bulletins.  In
the event that you subscribe only to the less frequently used
newsgroups, please let a week go by before you conclude that you have
been dropped from the mailing list.

2) There is always the possibility when mailing lists are transferred
that some problems with duplicates or lost messages may temporarily
arise.  I'd appreciate your indulgence during the reorganization.

We have made substantial progress in the last few days but some
details remain to be worked out.  I will make further announcements on
BIONEWS as developments warrant.  Thanks for your cooperation.


				Dave Kristofferson
				GenBank Manager

				kristoff at genbank.bio.net

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