POSTDOC position, UCSD

Robert Myers rmyers at network.ucsd.edu
Mon Jun 3 08:30:31 EST 1991

The University of California, San Diego, Department of Anesthesiology
is recruiting immediately for a 2-year NIH postdoctoral fellow
interested in the neurological basis of anesthesia and pain.

Opportunities include basic research in cerebral protection/stroke
(J. Drummond), pain pharmacology (T.L. Yaksh), or peripheral
neuropathy/pain (R. Myers).  The department has a strong collaborative
research program in these areas and presently supports both clinical
and basic scientists.  Candidates must be US citizens or resident
aliens (green card).

Contact either:
Tony L. Yaksh (619) 543-5243
Robert R. Myers (619) 534-6608
rmyers at ucsd.edu

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