Rat brain atlas

Kraig Eno kraig at biostr.washington.edu
Thu Jun 20 20:15:21 EST 1991

bljaho at uta.fi (Jari Honkaniemi) writes:
> >We are planning to do a rat brain atlas for IBM PC 
> >(and possibly for McIntosh).

We have the "Brain Browser" rat brain atlas from Floyd Bloom at San Diego.
It was $250 or so.  Here's the description out of their manual:

Brain Browser Version 1.1
6-800K Mac disks with manual
Requires a Mac with 1MB RAM, and HyperCard 1.2.1 (hard disk recommended)
Includes an electronic version of the rat brain in stereotaxic 
coordinates, by George Paxinos and Charles Watson.
Audience: beginning and advanced neuroscience students as well as 
neuroscience researchers.

The NeuroNavigator portion of the stack, which has black-and-white line 
drawings, "allows the user to search rapidly for any brain structure 
defined in its glossary of Brain Places, in any of the three standard 
planes of section."

Kraig Eno, kraig at biostr.washington.edu
"Problems generate new knowledge" - M. Usui

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