Brain Embedding Medium

Andrew R. Hill s4048437 at titan.ucc.umass.edu
Sat Dec 7 14:31:51 EST 1991

In article <531 at news.duke.edu> tbd at neuro.duke.edu (Tristan Davies) writes:
>In article <16NOV199120460769 at wccf.mit.edu> karuzis at wccf.mit.edu (GLENN HOLM) writes:
>-->Anyone out there have suggestions for the ideal embedding medium to surround
>-->small, fragile brain specimens prior to cutting on vibratome or freezing
>-->microtome?  I guess the goal is to find something of the hardness and con-
>-->sistency of perfused (4% paraformaldehyde) brain tissue that can be cast as
>-->a block and then sectioned (around 30 microns) to produce easy to handle

I also have another idea, try soaking the brains in a 30%sucrose
solution, and then using butter as an embedding medium.  No, seriously!

Andrew R Hill

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