Neurones in Culture
A two day conference organised as part of the Annual
Meeting of the Society for Experimental Biology Lancaster,
UK. April 9-10, 1992
% Techniques for neuronal culture
% Recordings from neurones in culture
% Reconstruction of circuits in culture
% Channel properties
% Development of neuronal cell lines
Speakers include
S.Kater (Colorado) A.G.M. Bulloch (Calgary)
K.L. Lukoviak (Calgary) D. Beadle (Oxford)
P.J. Haydon (Iowa) W. Winlow (Leeds)
P.J. Benjamin (Sussex) L. Breckenridge (Glasgow)
P. Smith (Cambridge) N. Dale (Bristol)
M. Stengl (Konstanz) G. Cottrell (St.Andrews)
J. Nicholls (Basel) W. Krenz (Arcachon)
B. Salzberg (Philadelphia) P. Anderson (Florida)
Contributed papers and posters are welcome. The deadline
for entries was November 1st, but there is some
Conference fees for the whole meeting will be around #40
(Members), or #70 (Non members), with reductions for
graduate students or for attendance for single days.
To register, contact: Administrative Office, Society for
Experimental Biology, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London
W1V 0LQ, UK. Phone 071 439 8732, FAX 071 287 4786
For further details, contact: Dr. D.M. Neil, Department of
Zoology, University of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK. 041
339 8855 x 5969, FAX 041 330 5971
or Dr. J.A.T. Dow, Department of Cell Biology, University
of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK. Phone 041 330 4616, FAX
041 330 4501