Medical imaging

Sandy Culver sculver at world.std.com
Sun Dec 29 18:15:29 EST 1991

Codman & Shurtleff, Inc.
a Johnson & Johnson company


Codman & Shurtleff, Inc., a Johnson and Johnson company, is a
world leader in the development and manufacture of precise
neurosurgical devices.  CODMAN has a long history of strategic
alliances with premier surgeons to develop technologies for the
operating room.

CODMAN is seeking a Software Manager to manage and champion the
acquisition and development of advanced products for
computer-assisted image-guided surgery products.  Experience in
using state-of-the-art image recognition, 3-D, and medical
diagnostic software is preferred.  This position will require an
individual to evaluate technologies, present sound business
proposals, and to help coordinate clinical and academic
professionals input in the commmercialization of this new
product.  Recent experience in preparing a software product for
FDA is desired.  

This position requires a degreed scientist or engineer with
cross-disciplined interests and experience in several of the
following areas: imaging, navigation or mapping, 3-D rendering,
software architecture, and medical diagnostic software. 
Excellent presentation and communication skills will be needed
for extensive interaction with internal CODMAN departments as
well as outside vendors, clinicians, and suppliers.

 Please contact:  sculver at world.std.com
     Mr. Sandy Culver
     Staffing Consultant
     Codman & Shurtleff, Inc.
     41 Pacella Park Drive
     Randolph, MA 02368
     (617) 986-3496   
     (617) 986-3523  FAX

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