A two day conference organised as part of the
Annual Meeting of the Society for Experimental Biology
Lancaster, UK. April 9-10, 1992
Sponsored by ICI
Here is a list of speakers and topics:
1) Synaptogenesis and Development: Chair: P.R. Benjamin
S.B. Kater (Colorado): The neuronal growth cone as an integration of
diverse environmental cues.
A.G.M. Bulloch, N. I . Syed and K . Lukowiak (Calgary): Sprouting by
adult molluscan neurons - role of neurotrophic factors.
P.G. Haydon (Iowa): Retrograde signalling during synaptogenesis.
K. Lukowiak, A.G.M. Bulloch and N.I. Syed (Calgary): In vitro connections
between Lymnea and Helisoma neurones: a new test for homology.
J.A. Sim and D.A. Brown (London): Culturing central neurones from post-
natal rats for electrophysiology.
J.G. Nicholls (Basel): Growth and synapse formation by identified leech
neurones in culture.
2) Model systems: Chair: S.B. Kater
D.J. Beadle and I. Bermudez (Oxford): Insect neuronal cultures.
E.A. Howes (Cambridge): Some properties of adult cockroach neurones in
M. Stengl and J.G. Hildebrand (Tucson): Insect olfactory receptor
neurones differentiate in vitro.
R.A. Smith and Z . Jiang (Glasgow): Factors affecting the survival of
adult mouse sensory neurones in vitro.
N. Dale (Bristol): Isolation and study of neurones that control movement
in a simple vertebrate
3) Techniques and circuits : Chair: A.S.G. Curtis
L.J. Breckenridge, P. Connolly, A.S.G. Curtis, J.A.T. Dow, C.D. Wilkinson
and R.J.A. Wilson (Glasgow): An extracellular microelectrode array for
monitoring neuronal activity in culture.
B.M. Salzberg, A.L. Obaid, J.D. Parsons, D. Kleinfeld and F. Raccuia-
Behling (Philadelphia): Long term optical recording from ensembles of
cultured Aplysia neurones.
W. Winlow (Leeds): Effects of anaesthetics on neurones in culture.
N.I. Syed, K. Lukowiak and A.G.M. Bulloch (Calgary): In vitro
reconstruction of a central pattern generator.
P.R. Benjamin, J. Horwood and M. Yeoman (Sussex): The use of cell culture
for studies of neurotransmission.
K.A. Green, K. Crockford, B. Powell and G.A. Cottrell (St Andrews): The
experimental advantages of using isolated Helix neurones maintained in
4) Channels : Chair: J.G. Nicholls
A.N. Spencer, J. Przysiezniak and J.M. Chung (Alberta): Voltage- and
ligand-gated currents in a cultured jellyfish motor neurone.
P.A.V. Anderson (Florida): Properties of flatworm neurones in culture.
W.D. Krenz, F. Nagy and C. Jackel (Arcachon): Ionic currents in
crustacean neurones in culture.
T. Weiger and A. Hermann (Salzburg): Polyamines block calcium-activated
potassium channels ir pituitary tumor cells (GH3).
5) Neurones in Culture - Posters
D. Alef, K.S.J. Thompson and J.P. Bacon (Sussex) Regeneration of
identified locust neurones: an in vivo and in vitro study.
J.M. Horwood, P.R. Benjamin and M. Yeoman (Sussex) Immunocytochemistry of
Lymnea stagnalis cells grown in culture.
G. Lees and N.B. Waslidge (Wellcome, Berkhamsted) Mode of action studies
on a novel anti-convulsant using primary cultures of rat cortex.
M. Deneen and E. Marani (Leiden) The effects of hormones on DRG-cells in
J.P. Ternaux, P. Portalier, P. Cogan and S. Tyc-Dumont (CNRS, Marseille)
Morphology and neural activity of nodose cells in culture.
J.P. Gueritaud and N. Seyfritz (CNRS, Marseille) Organotypic slice co-
culture of rat brainstem motoneurones and skeletal muscle fibres.
A.S.G. Curtis, B.J. Wojciak, N. Asghar and S. Patel (Cell Biology,
New culture and observational techniques with mammalian neurones.
To register, contact: Administrative Office, Society for
Experimental Biology, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London
W1V 0LQ, UK. Phone 071 439 8732, FAX 071 287 4786
To enter a paper/poster, contact: Dr. D.M. Neil, Department of
Zoology, University of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK. 041
339 8855 x 5969, FAX 041 330 5971
or Dr. J.A.T. Dow, Department of Cell Biology, University
of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK. Phone 041 330 4616, FAX
041 330 4501