PET imaging of brain function during memorizing ?

James L. Olds olds at helix.nih.gov
Thu Dec 5 14:14:07 EST 1991

In article <1991Dec5.031216.7000 at thunder.mcrcim.mcgill.edu> sean at petvax.mni.mcgill.ca (Sean Marrett) writes:
>The reference is probably to "A Functional Anatomy Study of Human Memory"
>by Squire, Ojemann, Miezin, Petersen, Videen and Raichle.
>They used regional cerebral blood flow measured with [15-0]-H2O PET to
>localise areas of cortical activation in a word recall/stem matching task.
>They found activation in right hippocampal areas and right prefrontal cortex .
>It was probably news 'cuz no one else has shown hippocampal activation in
>a memory task.
>The reference is:
>Squire, Ojemann, Miezin, Petersen, Videen and Raichle. Soc. Neurosci. Abstr.
>Vol 17, Part 1, p4. 1991.
>It was presented at the New Orleans Neuroscience meeting on Nov. 10th.

Hi Netters I feel obligated to respond to Sean's error here and point out
that hippocampal activation in memory tasks has been reported repeatedly
by numerous investigators from Cal Tech to NIH since 1972. For a review
on the subject I would suggest Alkon's Scientific American piece in July
of 1989.
Let's try to be careful with our citations here (smile)
Jim Olds

* James L. Olds Ph.D.                 Neural Systems Section               *
* domain:olds at helix.nih.gov           NINDS, NIH, Bethesda, MD. 20892 USA  *

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