Attention, Neurochemically Speaking

Dr D R T Keeble eopa27 at castle.ed.ac.uk
Fri Apr 12 05:32:37 EST 1991

In article <40969 at netnews.upenn.edu> rowe at pender.ee.upenn.edu (Mickey Rowe)

>of behavioual interest.  At the other end (human psychology) you might
>want to look into Triessman (sp?).  I know of some of her work in
>object perception, but a reputable source (Jenni Groh, a fellow
>graduate student) claims that she has done some work on attention as
>well.  It seems to me that someone else from NIH gave a talk here

A standard reference is: 

A Treisman, 
"Features and Objects: The Fourteenth Bartlett Memorial Lecture"
The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 1988 40A (2) 201-237.

Many of her experiments consist of target searches in a field of distractors.
Eg, locating a vertical line in an array of tilted lines. Such tasks are
clearly related to attention.

David Keeble,

Vision-Lab, Department of Pharmacology, University of Edinburgh

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